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www.51spjx.com  2023-05-08 12:04  
拿起的英语翻译 拿起用英语怎么说

lift, take up, pick up, seize拿起

He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman's gruff voice.他拿扒袭凳起电话,心想会听到主席粗哑的嗓音。

Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her. 马隆夫人拿禅橘起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着春旅的小火。

He seized a shovel and set to. 他拿起一把铲就干上了。

He lifted the phone and dialled her number . 他拿起电话,拨打了她的号码。



pick up 英[pik p] 美[pk p]

v. 捡早盯晌起; 接载; 学会; 逮捕;

[例句]Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.





little a.小的

sharp a.尖的,锋利的

small a.小的

big a.大的

blunt a.钝的

box n.盒子,箱子

glass n.杯子

cup n.茶杯

bottle n.瓶子

tin n.罐头

knife n.刀子

fork n.叉子

on prep.在…之上

shelf n.架子,搁板

desk n.课桌

table n.桌子

plate n.盘子

cupboard n.食橱

cigarette n.香烟

television n.电视机

floor n.地板

dressing table 梳妆台

magazine n.杂志

bed n.床

newspaper n.报纸

stereo n.立体声音响

Mrs. n.夫人

kitchen n.厨房

refrigerator n.电冰箱

right a.好,可以;n.右边

electric a.带电的,可通电的

left n.左边

cooker n.炉子,炊具

middle n.中间咐芹

of prep.(属于)…的

room n.房间

cup n.茶杯

where ad.在哪里

in prep.在…里

living room 客厅

near prep.靠近

window n.窗户

armchair n.手扶椅

door n.门

picture n.图画

wall n.墙

trousers n.(复数)长裤

shut a.关着的

bedroom n.卧室

untidy a.乱,不整齐

must aux.v.必须,应该

open a.开着的

air v.使…通风,换换空气

put v.放置

clothes n.衣服

wardrobe n.大衣柜

dust v.掸掉灰尘

sweep v.扫

empty v.倒空,使…变空

read v.读

sharpen v.削尖,使锋利

put on 穿上

take off 脱掉

turn on 开(电灯)

turn off 关(电灯)

garden n.花园

under prep.在…之下

tree n.树

climb v.爬,攀登

who pron.谁

run v.跑

grass n.草,草地

after prep.在…之后

cat n.猫

type v.打字

letter n.信

basket n.篮子

eat v.吃

bone n.骨头

clean a.干净的;v.清洗

tooth n.牙齿

cook v.做(饭菜)

milk n.牛奶

meal n.饭,一顿饭

drink v.喝

tap n.(水)龙头

day n.日子

cloud n.云

sky n.天空

sun n.太阳

shine v.照耀

with prep.和…在一起

family n.家庭(成员)

walk v.走路,步行

over prep.跨越,在…之上

bridge n.桥

boat n.船

river n.河

ship n.轮船

aeroplane n.飞机

fly v.飞

sleep v.睡觉

shave v.刮脸

cry v.哭,喊

wash v.洗

wait v.等

jump v.跳

photograph n.照片

village n.村庄

valley n.山谷

between prep.在…之间

hill n.小山

another 另一个

wife n.妻子

along prep.沿着

bank n.河岸

water n.水

swim v.游泳

across prep.横过,穿过

building n.大楼,建筑物

park n.公园

into prep.进入

beside prep.在…旁

off prep.离开

work v.工作

hard ad.努力地

make n.(产品的)牌号

bookcase n.书橱,书架

hammer n.锤子

paint v.上漆,涂

pink n. a.粉红色

favourite a.最喜欢的

homework n.作业

listen v.听

dish n.盘子,碟子

front n.前面

in front of 在…之前

careful a.小衡闷毕心的,仔细的

vase n.花瓶

drop v.掉下

flower n.花

show v.给…看

send v.送给

take v.带给

cheese n.乳酪,干酪

bread n.面包

soap n.肥皂

chocolate n.巧克力

sugar n.糖

coffee n.咖啡

tea n.茶

tobacco n.烟草,烟丝

bird n.鸟

any a.一些

some a.一些

of course 当然

kettle n.水壶

behind prep.在…后面

teapot n.茶壶

now ad.现在,此刻

find v.找到

boil v.沸腾,开

can aux.v.能够

boss n.老板,上司

minute n.分(钟)

ask v.请求,要求

handwriting n.书写

terrible a.糟糕的,可怕的

lift v.拿起,搬起,举起

cake n.饼,蛋糕

biscuit n.饼干

like v.喜欢,想要

want v.想

fresh a.新鲜的

egg n.鸡蛋

butter n.黄油

pure a.纯净的

honey n.蜂蜜

ripe a.成熟的

banana n.香蕉

jam n.果酱

sweet a.甜的

orange a.橘黄色的;n.橙

Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌

choice a.上等的,精选的

apple n.苹果

wine n.酒,果酒

beer n.啤酒

blackboard n.黑板


put up。

有,举手的短语是Put your hand up。put up额意思有:建造;搭起;设立;张贴;挂起;进行(抵抗);支付,提供(资金);提高(价格);留宿;为…安排住处;枝梁肆提名…为候选人;参加竞选。

put up常用用法:


Put up your hands if you have any questions.


Posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.





hold up举起;阻挡;拦截。

put up提供;建造;举起;提高;推举,提名;供给…渣雀住宿;直接行动。



They took up position at the beginning.他们一开始就占慎信据了阵地。



v. 拿;取;接受(take的过去式)


took place发生;进行

took up拿起


Hetookhis feet宽竖轮offthedesk.






Please take the trash to the garbage can.请将垃圾拿到垃圾桶去。



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