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Nippon Chemi-Con薄膜电容器 |
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Nippon Chemi-Con成立于1970年,目前名列全球前五大电解电容器制造企业的榜首,技术实力方面,均领导着电解电容产业的趋势,使电解电容器不断朝着更长寿命、更高信赖、更高效能及更低成本的目标方向前进,持续领先开发出长寿命、高耐纹波、低阻抗Low ESR及Polymer固态电容等电解电容器产品。主要产品:Nippon Chemi-Con电容器,Nippon Chemi-Con薄膜电容器,Nippon Chemi-Con扼流线圈,Nippon Chemi-Con电解电容等. 第一电解电容在日本商业化。这是日本公司的历史开始,铝电解电容器开始提供电子产业的发展而孕育总是在最前沿,赢得世界铝电解电容器市场的最大份额。发达的领先制造商生产的将提供最适合于各种先进设备的解决方案,高性能的产品线。日本佳美工公司一直在扩大其业务领域,以多层陶瓷电容器,薄膜电容器,金属氧化物压敏电阻,扼流线圈,电路,机电零部件,光机电等. United Chemi-Con, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon Chemi-Con, was established in the United States in 1970. The company is the largest manufacturer and supplier of aluminum electrolytic capacitors in North America, with more than 8,000 unique products Chemi-Con is headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Ill., with manufacturing and warehouse facilities located in Buena Park, Calif., and Lansing, N.C. This—combined with our sales, service and field engineering support throughout the country—ensures customers are met with a superior level of customer service.
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