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Adesto Flash存储器/数据存储器/电子元器件 |
Adesto Technologies是非易失性存储器解决方案的领导开发厂商,总部设在美国加州森尼维耳市。其产品组合包括串行闪存和导电桥RAM (CBRAM) 存储器技术。CBRAM是一种超低功耗、CMOS 兼容型非易失型存储器,专为广泛的分立式和嵌入式市场定制。Adesto Technologies Corporation目前与许多领先的半导体公司合作,在市场上进行CBRAM 技术部署。2012年,Adesto收购了Atmel的DataFlash和串行闪存产品线来扩大其创新的、低功耗存储器解决方案,通过这次并购,Adesto能够与其不断增长的CBRAM产品线一道提供Atmel的高质量产品和衍生器件。主要产品包括:Adesto Flash存储器、数据存储器、电子元器件等。 In 2006, the founders of Adesto Technologies set out to build a new company focused on developing innovative, low-power memory solutions based on a promising type of Resistive RAM technology called Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM). CBRAM technology is different from other emerging memories in that it can be customized to serve a wide range of applications. As a standalone memory, commercial products based on CBRAM technology, have inherent advantages over competitive non-volatile memories. Its advantages include ultra low-energy consumption and ultra-fast write capabilities, making it a natural fit for Internet of Things, Wearables, and other energy-conscious applications. In addition, Adesto has licensed its technology as an embedded memory to several large SOC (System on Chip) Semiconductor companies and thus enabled them to develop a future roadmap without limitations. |
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